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Location: Melbourne, VIC, Australia

The stage is my home; the place where I will always be naive, vulnerable... Yet somehow, comfortable.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I've been really excited about my fashion choices lately... I'M GOING ON A REVOLUTION!
So it's not exactly a revolution, but I've been thinking: What the hell is the point of buying everything high quality, brand name and expensive, when you can look 10x more funkier by paying a visit to the Salvo's down the road?

Why a picture of Lady Gaga? Because she's not afraid to be a freak, and because she pulls it off so well ;)

I'm really looking forward to taking many trips to various op shops, it enthuses me.
As I was saying to Mike the other day, Op Shops are so fun because you can go in there expecting to buy one thing, but come out with something completely different!!

I'm loving the whole 80s/Early 90s look at the mo': oversized, patterned/coloured sweaters, clip on earrings teamed with high waisted pants and a sexy pair of pumps!

Too damn cute!

Love, Princess Rita x


Blogger peeham said...

i just went to vinnys today! YAYNESS

April 7, 2010 at 10:32 PM  
Blogger Ritaaa. said...

Really?! Find any great bargains?

April 7, 2010 at 11:07 PM  
Blogger peeham said...

i brought a whole bunch of frames, altogether $5. gonna decorate my room!

...when i have the time.

April 12, 2010 at 9:01 PM  

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